Atlas: Automate Online Service Configuration in Network Slicing


Network slicing achieves cost-efficient slice customization to support heterogeneous applications and services. Configuring cross-domain resources to end-to-end slices based on service-level agreements, however, is challenging, due to the complicated underlying correlations and the simulation-to-reality discrepancy between simulators and real networks. In this paper, we propose Atlas, an online network slicing system, which automates the service configuration of slices via safe and sample-efficient learn-to-configure approaches in three interrelated stages. First, we design a learning-based simulator to reduce the sim-to-real discrepancy, which is accomplished by a new parameter searching method based on Bayesian optimization. Second, we offline train the policy in the augmented simulator via a novel offline algorithm with a Bayesian neural network and parallel Thompson sampling. Third, we online learn the policy in real networks with a novel online algorithm with safe exploration and Gaussian process regression. We implement Atlas on an end-to-end network prototype based on OpenAirInterface RAN, OpenDayLight SDN transport, OpenAir-CN core network, and Docker-based edge server. Experimental results show that, compared to state-of-the-art solutions, Atlas achieves 63.9% and 85.7% regret reduction on resource usage and slice quality of experience during the online learning stage, respectively.

The 18th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (ACM CoNEXT)
Qiang Liu
Qiang Liu
Assistant Professor at University of Nebraska–Lincoln

My research interests include distributed wireless edge computing and blockchain systems.